Thursday, October 29, 2015

Essay Instructions

A Student's Question:
I am really confusing with the instruction of our first essay. I have no idea of how to write it.

In brief, first, you need to see the “Shot by Shot Analysis Chart”. Fill it out by looking at only “the first 10 shots” of the movie “The Morning Guy”. You can watch the movie here:

Then, write an essay on how the film communicates its message(s) by using “formal elements” such as use of camera movement, mise-en-scene, colour, sound, music, etc. In other words, you need to discover and discuss the meaning of the movie by analysing its shots.

Please check the instructions in the pictures below. Read them carefully, and then, if you still have any questions, ask in the comments section, and I will try to answer them as soon as I can.

*Although all the instructions are indispensable, I have highlighted and underlined the important points, so, you read the document easier, at least without missing them.

Respectively important:
  1. Highlighted in pink
  2. Highlighted in yellow
  3. Highlighted in orange are referring to what you can find at the end of the document, and you need to either read/see, or download.
  4. Underlined
**To enlarge the pictures, click on them.

Download “Shot by Shot Analysis Chart” and the movie The Morning Guy from here


a) Introduction to Film Studies Readings

b) Understanding Movies

c) PowerPoint Files
To be downloaded from here

Click here to download the original document (FILM1000A Essay 1 Instructions.pdf)

Click here to see the original document (A Guide to Writing a Film Studies Paper).

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

High-Key&Low-Key Lighting in Cinema

A Student's Question:
I am really confusing with the high-key light and low-key light. Could you please give me some examples or explanation of those two kinds of light? 


High-Key Lighting

Low-Key Lighting

Understanding Movies
Louis Giannetti
Jim Leach 
pp. 413-414

For more info, please check: